DevOps services and solutions

Automate, scale, and modernize product engineering through DevOps


In the modern IT field, a company's degree of success is largely determined by two factors: the speed at which it develops new products and how quickly it brings those products to market. In this context, businesses that have not yet implemented DevOps consulting services are currently confronted with the following difficulties

  • A lack of cultural balance and communication between the teams responsible for the development of software and those responsible for IT operations
  • Inability of the devops services organization to generate software-driven innovation due to a lack of agile delivery
  • The continuous existence of silos between the teams responsible for development, information technology, and operations
  • It has a significant and negative effect on the inner circles when dbas are not involved in the release cycle.
  • There is a lack of acceptance for taking a comprehensive look at the entire value chain when it comes to continuous delivery tools.

These problems can be solved with DevOps! DevOps as a Service advocates for a new "culture" that should ideally bridge the gaps between the key operational teams, i.e., Development (Dev) and Operations (Ops), in order to improve teamwork and boost productivity.

Services for DevOps

The state of the art in technology is always moving forward, and in order for businesses to remain competitive in this environment, businesses need to be able to swiftly adjust to new developments. It is now absolutely necessary to have the capability to continuously add new features and capabilities to software.

At E-Strategy, we are able to assist you in the development of bespoke software applications and systems by utilizing the DevOps model. These applications and systems will have a rapid release and will be maintained by means of frequent, incremental updates.

In software development, the term "DevOps" refers to a methodology that combines "software development" (abbreviated as "Dev") and "information technology operations" (abbreviated as "Ops") in an effort to reduce the length of the software development life cycle and ensure the continuous delivery of software of a high standard.

The advantages of using DevOps

A quicker time to market is advantageous in a highly competitive environment since the amount of time it takes to bring a product to market might determine its success or failure. Your company will have an advantage over its rivals if it adopts the DevOps model and implements continuous delivery. This will allow software to be released up to ten times more quickly than if it were done using other ways.

Rapid delivery means that the frequency of releases may be increased, which in turn enables your company to expand its functionality and continue to operate with only minimum disruptions to the service.

Increased productivity as a result of teams working together under the DevOps paradigm rather than functioning independently as separate entities, with ownership and accountability being shared and workflows being combined. This results in increased autonomy while also reducing inefficiencies.

Quality issues can be located early on, which cuts down on the amount of time that passes between repairs and results in a lower failure rate for new product releases. This has the potential to cut costs associated with development time and resources that are spent on bug fixing.

E-Strategy's DevOps services cover the entirety of the software's life cycle and are applicable to a wide variety of systems, ranging from those that interact directly with customers to those that are utilized on an enterprise-wide scale.

Integration That Is Constantly Done

Continuous integration is a process utilized in DevOps in which programmers routinely integrate the modifications they make to their source code into a centralized repository. After this, automated builds and tests are executed. Continuous integration most commonly refers to the stage of the software release process known as the build or integration stage, and it requires both an automation component as well as a cultural component to be successful (e.g. learning to integrate frequently). Continuous integration's primary objectives are to speed up the process of finding and fixing software issues, to enhance overall software quality, and to cut down on the amount of time required to validate and deploy new software updates.

Deployment That Is Constant

One of the most important practices of DevOps services and solutions is to make regular but relatively minor upgrades to the software. When compared to the bigger, less frequent upgrades that are made according to standard release methods, updates are typically of a kind that is more gradual and smaller in scale. Frequent but minor updates help teams address defects more quickly since they are able to determine which deployment was the most recent one that produced the error.

Communication and Working Together in Partnership

The culture of DevOps places a strong emphasis on increased communication and cooperation as two of its primary pillars. Together, the workflows and responsibilities of development and operations can be brought together through the utilization of DevOps technology and the automation of the software delivery process. This results in the establishment of collaboration. This not only helps to speed up communication between developers and operations, but also between developers and other teams, such as marketing and sales, which enables the entire organization to more closely align itself on goals and projects.

Are you prepared to switch to a seamless continuous delivery model?

E-Strategy's DevOps services will allow you to deliver apps at the speed of your business. Continuous evolution has replaced large-scale, project-based deployments in application delivery. DevOps makes this feasible by bringing together business, development, and operations teams and automating IT processes. In today's digital age, the capacity to continuously roll out enhanced business capabilities has become crucial. Learn how DevOps can help you get there.

Using the DevOps process, we are able to rapidly provide software that is always evolving, which is useful in the rapidly advancing technological environment. Accelerating software delivery is made possible with the help of E-Strategy's unique DevOps strategy, which orchestrates all of the necessary DevOps technologies, CI/CD procedures, and practices.

When you work with E-Strategy, you will be able to automate infrastructure, streamline operations, and facilitate communication between infrastructure, development, operations, quality assurance, and security.

E-Strategy's DevOps Model

Rigorous assessment and planning

  • Conduct an analysis of the current condition of the organization and obtain a comprehensive comprehension of the existing state of the company's infrastructure, architecture, and procedures.
  • Make a plan for enhancing workflows, toolchains, and infrastructure automation, and be sure to include security measures.
  • Include all of the organization's most important stakeholders in the process of developing its DevOps culture.

Infrastructure Automation Accomplished Via IaC

  • Automate the infrastructure by utilizing established Infrastructure as Code (IaC) best practices.
  • Maintaining continuity requires that build servers, testing, and staging, as well as production, environments be provisioned and configured.
  • Take advantage of fully automated provisioning, configuration, and control of all environments with no room for error from human intervention.

Continuous Integration (CI)

  • Continue to work on the main project trunk while integrating code from the branches into it. Changes to the code should be merged into a single repository.
  • Every time a member of the team makes a modification to the version control system, automated builds and test runs must be carried out.
  • Eliminate merge conflicts, locate and repair errors as early in the development process as possible, and stay away from doing the same thing twice.

Continuous deployment

  • Plan and organize the deployment of complicated applications to the required infrastructure settings.
  • Changes may be run through the entire CI/CD pipeline, and builds can be immediately deployed to production environments without causing issues or delays.
  • Make sure that the program is always ready for release by having updated versions of the application that are in a state where they can be used automatically pushed into production.

Enhanced Safety and Protection

  • Employ a shift-left strategy to integrate robust security best practices and principles as early on in the software development process as possible.
  • Conduct automated security testing and compliance processes with the use of technologies that provide you with a bird's eye view of the entire development cycle. This will make it much simpler for you to test, report, and fix any security issues that may arise.

Resource Planning

  • Auditing the current skill sets and the infrastructure that is already in place will help you plan for the appropriate amount of resources.
  • Develop a strategy for scaling resources while taking into account the requirements of the business and the requirements of the stakeholders.
  • In order to establish alignment of resource requirements with client expectations, it is imperative to communicate plans with all relevant stakeholders.

E-Strategy DevOps Services and Consultancy: The Value We Add

If you're looking for a DevOps services provider, consider E-Strategy.

Our customers pick us because we raise their company's efficiency and responsiveness while decreasing their overhead. What sets us apart is that we are able to:

Problem-solving skills during difficult deliveries

Since our inception, we've been assisting businesses in streamlining their application release cycles, whether they're using old software or something more modern like agile. For higher quality, more easily maintained code and quicker product releases, our professionals ensure that the best continuous integration and continuous delivery methods are put into place.

Engineers with superior skill and ability

Our DevOps engineers are well-versed in all the cutting-edge tools and techniques, allowing us to provide outstanding service throughout your DevOps adoption. Delivery excellence, an agile culture, and a focus on processes are at the heart of what our product engineers do.

Top-Rated Safety System Combination

Unlike other companies, at E-Strategy, we consider security and compliance from the very beginning of a project, eliminating any chance for error and allowing us to provide you with lower prices and a quicker time to market. DevSecOps as a service allows our engineers to embed security into the very fabric of the product while also offering tried-and-true metrics by which to gauge success.

An in-house DevOps crew

We assign a group of DevOps experts to each customer, and they work together to find solutions that are tailored to each business's unique needs. The best DevOps methods are implemented by our team, which has a thorough understanding of your project's specifications.

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